Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 200: Flying High.

When you start off on a new adventure, half the excitement is the build up to an event.  Then you get on the plane, and you sit.  Sit a little more until you have to shift to the other cheek, literally so the other side has a chance to go numb as well.  Then you think; ‘are we there yet?’  You then look out the window, forgetting your knees are up around your shoulders because you opted for the cheaper ticket, and magic appears before you.  As you fly to Top End, and with the build up to the wet season, the clouds are having a party appearing in all shapes and forms.  Instead of worrying about the time it takes to get there, sit back, relax and take in the view.  It is amazing how quickly the time flies.  Sometimes you have to remember, it’s not about the destination, it is the journey and how you got there.

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