Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 214: Dragonfly.

 For a little spec in the animal kingdom, this little guy holds a lot of meaning to many different cultures around the world, and folklores.  Coming in at over 300 million years of being on earth – well he/she just might have some authority.  The cold prickly side to their folklore status is in Europe often seen as sinister and English translations of names for them have been ‘devils darning needle’ and ‘ear cutter’.  In Sweden, it is said the devil uses them to weigh people’s souls.  Wales they are associated with snake servant, and it is believed the dragonfly follows the snake and if they are injured the dragonfly will stitch the snake up again.  On the more warm fuzzy side of our dragonfly folklore; Native American tribes believe they represent swiftness and activity.  To the Navajo they represent pure water; and Japan, symbols of courage, strength, and happiness.  Whatever a dragonfly means to you they only have a short life cycle and I think they live it to the fullest.  Maybe we can all take that leaf out of their book.

I have to add a ps to this blurb.  Some days when taking these photos the funniest & scariest things happen to you.  Although today, I didn't get chased by 3 huge dogs, or nearly step on a snake.  It has happened.  A young boy came up to me soooo excited with his 'coles' bag. Just caught a snake & it was in the bag - Yeh! :)  Arh bless his cotton socks, he was taking it home to join his snake family.  Beats a Playstation I guess.

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