Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 222: Humble Orchid.

I’ve known some big families in my time, but having over 21,000 thousand members (species) it would be a bit hard to keep up with the Christmas cards.  Lucky orchids don’t have to do that or they would be hiring an agent to do all their correspondence.   Being the second largest family in the flowering plant world, there are more species of orchids than twice the number of bird species and four times that of mammals.  For something so small in size they sure make up for in variety.  Like any flower they have a representative of many symbols; beauty, royalty, love, wisdom and thoughtfulness.  In Ancient Egyptian times the flower was the main ingredient in love potions.  Which seem to have worked in the favour of Cleopatra, just not her demise.  Maybe if she had some strength potion that the Ancient Aztecs made from vanilla orchids, she would have lived a bit longer!  Who is to say?  Regardless they are a beautiful flower and the green ant in the corner seems to think so too. 

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