Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 310: Rainbow wishes.

Rainbows are one of those remarkable things in nature.  The light bends off the raindrops when the sun shines on them giving us the seven colours; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  Remember those colours for your next trivia night.  We all think of different things when we look at a rainbow; I guess that is what makes them so special.  I tend to think of Kermit the Frog singing the Rainbow Connection, yes I know tragic but grew up with the Muppets.   As far as chasing the Irish leprechaun hoarding the pot of gold at the end, work in progress.  Will let you know when I get there.  Rainbows are also associated with many myths and folklores.  One such folklore dates back to Medieval Germany if a rainbow did not show for forty years, it was the end of the world.  In that era the folk of Medieval Germany were pretty happy that they saw a rainbow and knew they were going to be around at least for another 40 years, and the world wasn’t ending.  Bring on the rainbows I say. 

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